Apr '19
Apr '19
Isaiah 9:6 KJV
Posted 1/29/2016
I’ve never seen this verse like I saw it today. After talking to a dear family friend (an elderly prayer warrior, Mary Clements), I was able to glean something from God’s Word that really blessed my soul. It was found using the King James Version of the Bible. While looking at the birth of Christ, this verse attempts to describe everything He is and will be! The latter part of the verse says He shall be called: “Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” As you’ve read this, you might have missed it as I did. Look at it again. He/Jesus is called: Wonderful (comma), Counselor (comma)… etc. I usually ran those words together. But pausing to say each of those of God to myself means something to me. I pray this reflection blesses you as well. He is God and the pronouncing of His birth says it all… Blessings, MB